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City News

Tuscaloosa River Market Awarded Grant for Music at the Farmers Market

Tuscaloosa River Market Awarded Grant for Music at the Farmers Market

The Alabama State Council on the Arts has awarded the Tuscaloosa River Market with a $5,200 grant for its Harvesting Heritage program. 
ASCA distributed 198 grants totaling $1,218,500, with the intent of sponsoring new and innovative public offerings state-wide. 

In past years, the City Council has supported live music at the Farmers Market through the Fall Music Series, but the support from ASCA will allow an April - September schedule, funding an additional 26 performances. 

“As the only standing weekly event in Tuscaloosa, the Farmers Market has become a hub for culture,” said Alexis Clark, Operations Manager of the Tuscaloosa River Market. “I’m looking forward to it also becoming a hub for cultural arts.” 

You can learn more and apply to be a live performer here.