City of Tuscaloosa Accepting Applications for Let’s Paint and Renovate Program
November 13, 2024
The City of Tuscaloosa’s Office of Community and Neighborhood Services is accepting applications for the Let’s Paint and Renovate Home Rehabilitation Program to improve permanent residential structures occupied by low-to-moderate income households.
Program Eligibility
Eligible homeowners meet the following qualifications:
- The unit must be located within the City of Tuscaloosa
- The homeowner must be the legal owner of the property, reside in the property as their primary residence and be current on mortgage and tax payments
- The unit must have current homeowners’ insurance
- Total household income must be below 80% of area median income for homeowners (see application for income limit by household size)
- If the unit was built prior to 1978, proof of a previous lead-based paint inspection or lead abatement activity must be submitted
Eligible Projects
Eligible repairs will include improvements to at least one of the five major systems of the home: mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural and/or accessibility. All repairs must adhere to Federal, state, and local statutes and regulations.
Ineligible Projects
- Buildings outside of the primary residence (barns, carports, sheds, etc.)
- Decorative finishes
- Interior or exterior painting unless as part of the rehabilitation process
- Rehabilitation that affects the historical character or value of a structure
- Freestanding appliances and luxury items (swimming pools, patios, sunrooms, landscaping, high-end appliances, etc.)
Interested homeowners are asked to submit an application and supporting documentation to the Office of Community and Neighborhood Services by November 22, 2024.
Applications can be downloaded here, or picked up at City Hall in the Office of Community and Neighborhood Services. For more information email cnservices@tuscaloosa.com or call the City of Tuscaloosa’s Office of Community and Neighborhood Services at 205-248-5080.
Let’s Paint and Renovate is funded by a Community Development Block Grant through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.