City of Tuscaloosa to Switch 311 Software, Launch New App
February 20, 2023
On March 1, the City of Tuscaloosa will switch to a new 311 software and launch a new smartphone app for Tuscaloosa 311.
The new 311 software, powered by SeeClickFix, will streamline the request submission process, making it more user-friendly. Residents who use the current 311 app will need to download the new app for any requests beginning March 1.
The new Tuscaloosa 311 app will be available on March 1 to download on Apple IOS or Android devices.
Tuscaloosa 311 is the non-emergency request center for City of Tuscaloosa services. Requests can be submitted by dialing 311 within City limits, calling 205-248-5311 outside of City limits, submitting a request online at, or through the free 311 app.