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City News

City of Tuscaloosa Adopts Comprehensive Plan

The City of Tuscaloosa has adopted its new comprehensive plan, known as Framework, after two and a half years of preparation. 

A comprehensive plan is a strategic guide that expresses the values and aspirations of a community and establishes a long-range vision for development, housing, environment, transportation, community services, and more.

“This is an exciting milestone for the City,” says Ashley Crites, Director of Planning. “A full, city-wide comprehensive plan for Tuscaloosa has not been adopted since 1972. Broader than just a land-use plan, Framework speaks to how our community will grow, how we provide living options for our diverse population, how we connect via our transportation network, how we experience our community, and how we continue to support a strong and resilient economy.” 

The comprehensive plan process began in the summer of 2018, when a 30-member steering committee began working with City staff and a consulting team. 

“During this process, our team has worked very hard to get input from community members and local business leaders that will allow Tuscaloosa to plan for positive future growth for years to come,” Mayor Walt Maddox said.

In the summer and fall of 2018, over 40 local groups and organizations were recruited to discuss the community’s priorities. Around 300 residents participated in the initial engagement event, and once a draft of the plan was ready, a public open house was conducted to get feedback on the plan. More than 450 people attended the open house, and community members also submitted comments on the plan online. 

The final version of the plan was adopted unanimously by the Planning and Zoning Commission on February 17. 

“This is not the end of the process,” Crites explains, “it’s simply halftime. The next process will be to implement the plan.” 

Both the zoning ordinance and the subdivision regulations will be updated as a result of Framework. The City Council will ultimately vote on the adoption of the updated zoning ordinance.

“In order to remain competitive with other cities throughout the United States, we need to elevate our City to the next level.” Maddox adds. “‘Framework’ is the vehicle that is going to get us there.” 

To learn more about Framework, please visit