City of Tuscaloosa Announces Court Case Amnesty Program
September 30, 2020
The Tuscaloosa Municipal Court is offering an Amnesty Program for all citizens that have outstanding writ cases with the Municipal Court for failure to pay court-ordered fines and costs. The Amnesty Program will allow citizens to bring their 2019-2020 Municipal Court cases up to date without fear of arrest, jail time or additional fees if paying their fines and costs in full. The program will begin Oct. 1, 2020 and end April 30, 2021.
The program applies to those who were given a payment date and failed to appear. The court will waive the last writ fee that was assessed to each case.
The court will accept all walk-ups between 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Defendants will check in at the cashier window, where the clerk will direct them to next steps.
For more information about the City’s Amnesty Program, call 205-248-5330 or Tuscaloosa 311 at 205-248-5311.