City of Tuscaloosa Announces Court Case Amnesty Program
September 28, 2018
The City of Tuscaloosa will allow citizens to bring their municipal court cases up to date without fear of arrest, jail time or additional fees. The amnesty program will take place 8:30 a.m. to noon Fridays in October, November and December.
The program applies to those who were given a municipal court date and failed to show for traffic citations, parking citations and bonded individuals in misdemeanor cases as well as anyone who has an outstanding case balance or uncompleted programs such as anger management classes or defensive driving school.
Citizens may call prior to an amnesty day to be placed on the priority docket, which will be held at 8:30 a.m. Upon check-in, defendants on the priority docket will go directly to the court room.
All day-of walk-ups will be placed on the non-priority court docket of the day, which will occur at 10:30 a.m. Defendants will check in at the cashier window, where the clerk will direct them to next steps. If the issue concerns a parking citation, citizens will be asked to pay at the window; they will not have to enter the courtroom.
For more information about the City’s amnesty program, call 205-248-5350 or Tuscaloosa 311 at 205-248-5311.