City of Tuscaloosa Urban Development to Host Open House on West Tuscaloosa Study
May 8, 2018
The City of Tuscaloosa Urban Development Department will host an open house where the West Tuscaloosa consulting team will present findings and recommendations for the West Tuscaloosa study Thursday, May 17 at the McDonald Hughes Community Center, once at 11 a.m. and again at 5:30 p.m.
The presentation will highlight findings and recommendations from community meetings earlier this year. Attendees may also provide feedback. This study will identify assets and challenges and examine residential, commercial and institutional opportunities that encourage reinvestment and promote neighborhood stabilization in the area.
“We’ve built a solid foundation for West Tuscaloosa over the past 12 years through major infrastructure investments. Now, continued engagement with the community is crucial to developing an above-ground plan that works,” said Mayor Walt Maddox, “and that’s just what this team is doing.”
For more information, visit tuscaloosa.com or call Tuscaloosa 311 at 205-248-5311.