City of Tuscaloosa to Hold Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Day on June 2
May 1, 2018
The City of Tuscaloosa will host the 2018 Household Hazardous Waste Disposal day on Saturday, June 2 from 8 a.m. until noon at its Public Safety Logistics building located at 3311 Kauloosa Avenue.
Household hazardous waste is the discarded, unused or leftover portion of household products containing toxic chemicals. Many hazardous wastes bear by warning labels such as poisonous or flammable. Improper disposal of these wastes can pose a threat to human health and the environment. Items dropped off will either be neutralized and recycled into new product or safely and properly disposed.
Examples of household hazardous wastes include:
Drain cleaner; Photo cleaner; Household cleaners; Rust preventative; Mothballs; Automotive fluids; Paint thinner; Herbicides; Pool chemicals; Metal polish; Batteries; Rodent cleaners; Insect chemicals; Propane tanks; Latex or oil based paint; Antifreeze; Pesticides; Bleaches; Oil or gasoline; Ammonia; Creosote; Light bulbs; Mercury containing equipment; Chemistry sets; Wood strippers; Sealants; Lawn chemicals/fertilizers; Arts and crafts supplies; Solvents
Tires, medical waste, non-residential or out-of-county wastes and radioactive wastes will not be accepted.
This free drop-off event is open only to residents of Tuscaloosa County. Wastes will not be accepted from commercial businesses, non-profit organizations or residents outside Tuscaloosa County. Due to the high cost of this event, the City of Tuscaloosa reserves the right to limit quantities accepted and to stop accepting waste once quota is exceeded.
Conducted by the City’s environmental services division, this event is sponsored and made possible by Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa.
For more information, call Tuscaloosa 311 at 205-248-5311.