City of Tuscaloosa Offers Holiday Garbage, Trash, Recycling Drop-Off
To alleviate the extra garbage created during the Christmas holiday week, the City of Tuscaloosa will host a garbage drop-off event Saturday, Dec. 23 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Curry Environmental Services facility at 3440 Kauloosa Ave.
December 20, 2017
During the holiday season, the average U.S. household creates 25 percent more garbage. To alleviate the extra garbage created during the Christmas holiday week, the City of Tuscaloosa will host a garbage drop-off event Saturday, Dec. 23 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
This free event will be centrally located at the Curry Environmental Services facility at 3440 Kauloosa Ave. There will be no other garbage drop-off sites.
All participants will be required to check in and complete a participation form.
Along with bringing extra bags of holiday garbage, citizens are encouraged to recycle cardboard boxes, wrapping paper, plastic #1 containers, plastic #2 bottles, plastic bags, steel ‘soup’ cans, aluminum cans, newspaper and magazines in the appropriate recycling containers onsite.
The City of Tuscaloosa will not collect garbage, trash or recycling Monday. Dec. 25 or Monday, Jan. 1. Routes those weeks will delayed one day.
For more information about holiday garbage drop-off or other environmental events, visit tuscaloosa.com or call Tuscaloosa 311 at 205-248-5311.