City of Tuscaloosa Seeking Candidates to Fill Openings on Several Commissions
August 2, 2017
The City of Tuscaloosa is seeking qualified individuals to fill openings on the Sister Cities Advisory Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustments and Tuscaloosa Tourism and Sports Commission.
Potential new members for each are appointed by the Tuscaloosa city council and must be able to attend monthly meetings. Candidates interested in the ZBA must be a resident of the City of Tuscaloosa. Candidates interested in TTS must be a resident of or work at or operate a business in the City of Tuscaloosa. Each is a three-year term.
Those interested in serving should send résumés to Debby Clements at dclements@tuscaloosa.com by Friday, Sept. 1.
Call Tuscaloosa 311 at 205-248-5311 for more information.