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City of Tuscaloosa to Hold Floodplain Management Plan Public Meeting, Address Personal Risks

The City of Tuscaloosa’s floodplain management planning committee will hold an informal public meeting on Tuesday, March 1 at 5 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers to discuss the floodplain management plan.

The goal of this meeting is to allow interested citizens, especially those subjected to flooding or living in the floodplain, to provide feedback on the floodplain management plan. Copies of the plan will be available for review and public comments will be accepted.

"It’s easy to immediately think of tornadoes and severe storms as weather-related dangers, but flooding is also a serious risk to personal safety and property damage," said Josh Yates, the City’s storm drainage engineer and chair of the floodplain management planning committee. "It’s crucial for citizens to voice opinions and concerns about the floodplain management plan to ensure we are taking the necessary steps to keep their families and homes safe."

The floodplain management planning committee, made up of City of Tuscaloosa staff, local citizens and consultants, is tasked with developing a floodplain management plan for the City of Tuscaloosa. This plan will identify existing and future flood-related hazards and their causes. The plan will also outline steps to educate residents and property owners about the hazards, flood loss reduction measures, and the natural and beneficial functions of floodplains.

Members of the floodplain management planning committee will be available to answer any questions and provide general information regarding the floodplain management plan. For more information on the plan and to view the plan, visit