Mayor's Message
The City of Tuscaloosa has one of the most financially strong local governments in the nation. Our strength is allowing us to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic with the ability to make our community safer and stronger.
On August 27, I presented the fiscal year 2022 proposed operating and capital budgets to the City Council. Fiscal year 2022 has the potential to jumpstart the City’s goal to seize this decade and vastly improve the quality of life in Tuscaloosa.
A few of the highlights from my recommendations are:
- A new police and fire pay plan that will place our officers at the top ranks of salaries in Alabama, and will be essential in recruitment and retention.
- The City’s plan on the implementation of the $20,529,224 awarded in the federal American Rescue Plan.
- The presentation of opportunities in 2022 enabled by the success of austerity measures put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in fiscal year 2021.
- Recommendations through Elevate Tuscaloosa’s continued investment into our future, including: River District Park, the Benjamin Barnes YMCA, the Downtown-University Corridor project, the Tuscaloosa Tennis Center and the Saban Center.
You can find my full budget presentation on this page. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at mayor@tsucaloosa.com.